Looking for pen pals
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Looking for an email friendship

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See text.
German (native speaker), some English (need translation program).
Reading, puzzles, email friendships, traveling,...
Looking for:
no difference
Hello @ all.

As it happens, many written contacts have "fallen asleep"/broken off over the years and now I am looking for new email friendships in German if possible, as my English is not good and I need a translation program for this language.

About me:

I was "born" in 11/1965 and live in a town right next to Stuttgart, so I am from Baden-Württemberg in the southwest of Germany.

My hobbies are reading, puzzles, email friendships, photography, sometimes day trips/short trips, going swimming,...

I also have an animal roommate. It is a Greek tortoise, which hibernates from around September to around March and is about the same age as me.

That's a bit about me for now.

Now I'm excited to see if anyone gets in touch and whether this leads to a long-term email friendship.

Greetings from BaWü

Listing ID: 8549

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